Discover the evolution of Esquire Healthcare & Logistics Pvt. Ltd over three decades. From humble beginnings to a leading logistics provider, explore how Esquire has thrived by fostering client relationships, empowering its workforce, and embracing innovation.

Can you provide an overview of Esquire Healthcare & Logistics and its evolution over the past three decades?

Esquire Healthcare & Logistics Pvt. Ltd is a boutique logistics firm. We work with a select few clients who can partner with us for decades. We are happy that we had the trust of our earliest customer, who continues to work with us over the past 3 decades. Our organization has evolved over the years with our service offerings. From just being a small godown operator in the initial days to now becoming a one-stop solution provider for any large company looking to outsource the entire logistics activity. At present we manage 500,000 sq.ft of space across different locations.


What differentiates Esquire from its competitors in the logistics industry, particularly in its services for the FMCG sector?

Our team is our biggest strength. We have consciously invested in our team, helping build technical expertise, soft skills, business skills. Our team is our family and every member in our organization is empowered, hence the sense of ownership is high. Another factor which the founders have played to their strength is the empowerment of women. I am happy to share that we are a unique organization with diversity ratio of over 70% in favor of women. These kind of figures are unheard of, especially in the warehousing sector.

How does Esquire balance the needs of its employees and customers while maintaining operational efficiency?

It really is not a question of either or. Both form the core of any business. If the team is well looked after well, i am sure the team will look after the customers. Also, we have been extremely lucky with the set of customers we work with. Its a partnership driven model for success for all stakeholders.

What recent achievements or milestones is Esquire particularly proud of?

Recently Indian Institute of Materials Management (IIMM) Pune Chapter recognized the efforts of Esquire in empowering women at the shop floor level. It is deeply satisfying when an external autonomous agency validates are efforts. When an industry bodies recognizes it means we are doing something right.  

How does Esquire ensure the quality and reliability of its warehousing and distribution services?

We are driven by strong SOP's and policies that help sustain the operations. A good operational team that is quiet hands on to take on any challenge.

Could you explain how Esquire fosters employee development and motivation through training programs?

At Esquire we take training & development seriously. Most of our team start their careers with us. They join us immediately after college, we are able to transalate the company's vision and mission to each and every team member. We have scheduled training sessions for our teams and engage with various external agencies to provide these trainings.

What strategies does Esquire employ to enhance scalability and agility in its supply chain operations?

That is a good question. We are queit nimble, we listen to our customers and device a working plan based on the inputs. Scalablity comes with trust, and trust comes with time. So we ensure that we don't cut corners in the short run to meet short term deadlines.

Can you discuss Esquire's approach to building long-lasting relationships with its clients?

We truly believe in a long term-sustainable partership with our clients. Our solutions for warehouse management and distribution are designed, rather co-created along with the customer. The customers views are kept in mind, and the customer too feels invested with this approach. I think this has helped us build a healthy relationship, where we are treated as partners not just another vendor.

How does Esquire stay abreast of industry trends and innovations to remain competitive?

This is one place we are focusing on going ahead. Trade events, journals like yourself (The Industrial) are places we pick up the chatter from, on industry trends. We come back to our conference rooms and ideate on how we can absorb these changes. Change and innovations are a part of our DNA. We consitute a list of innovations we do during the year, across the organization. In my view, Innovation in operations mostly come bottom up. We have a scheduled sessions at least 5 times in a year where we hear small succeess stories of our work force and encourage them to share. We honor each and every members presentation and delve in the finer details. Whatever is scalable and replicable across the organization is picked up and put into action.


What are Esquire's key priorities and goals for future growth and expansion?

Alignment with the national vision of cutting down costs in the logistics sector and bringing at par with global benchmarks. The Indian economy over the  past few quarters is fueled by the consumption story. E-commerce has been the key driver of growth during this period. We do believe there is more to be done at a frantic pace if we have to be competitive in the export story of India. To answer your question more specifically on priorities, attracting talents, building a robust internal mechanism and investing more time with customers and prospective customers should be the way forward for us. We have invested in scaling organically. This will reflect positively in our business in the coming 2-3 years